Reflection on ‘Conversations with the Universe’

So I was reflecting back to that time I had that argument with the Universe 4ish years ago…actually, I believe it was my very first blog post. You can refresh your memory here.

Well. 4 years later, I’m Senior Teacher and Methodoligist (Pedagogy leader) in a small language school teaching children English. Sure, it’s not teaching Art in high school, but …. I got what I asked for. A teaching job. I’m beginning to think the Universe actually did listen, and these struggling, stressful, new, exciting changes happened because THIS IS the job I’m supposed to have.
I’m not subbing, which I hated. I’m not picking up trash and dealing with ignorant people working at a gas station. (No offence to those of you still there.) And I’m not feeling frustrated looking for a teaching job that I’d get pink slipped every year and wonder if I even had a job the next year.
I’m not stuck in a rut hating my life. I’m not doing the same thing every day. Well, I’m teaching every day, but in different locations, to different kids… Sure, there are good days and bad days, but overall, I love it.
Plus, what awesome titles to add to my resume! Plus the experience working overseas in a country that I don’t speak the language, and I’m still able to teach! It is so exciting to see (and hear) the progress of my students. And my job is definitely not boring!

The weird thing, is that I’m now in charge of interviewing and training, running meetings, helping to solve problems….and…. I’m like the boss, again. I got to choose who we hired this year, which is all new people… Which is weird, because last year we were all so close it didn’t matter who was the “leader”. This year, the other teachers left, so I’m viewed as the boss figure. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it sure is different from last year.

I guess my main point is…the Universe actually delivered. Sure, it took 4 years, and I worked for it. But that work paid off in getting what I wanted. Well, I guess, technically, I got my teaching job the year after that post, but I didn’t realize that I got what I wanted until just now.

So. Dear Universe, thank you for listening.

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